Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Fever

No, not in the sense of being crazy about Halloween. I mean a fever, on Halloween. trick-or-treating for us this year. When I took his temp around 6:00, an hour before we were supposed to join our friends for trick-or-treating and fun, my heart sank as the thermometer read 101.2. With all the talk of flu combined with a whiney kid and a runny nose, I didn't want to us to be those parents who bring their sick kid to the gathering with all the other kids. That's just not cool.

As Jon headed out the door for a Walgreen run (we had no candy cause we didn't think we'd be home) I burst into tears and lamented about how I will never get to wear a mommy and baby matchy-matchy Halloween costume again. Next year he'll probably want a say in what he wears. Jon told me to get my costume on and he would snap a few pictures in the driveway when he got back. So here you go. Evidence of our matching costumes.

Giraffe and Zookeeper.

My badge said "Giraffe Wrangler."


KH said...

Your wrangler outfit turned out so cute!

Jamie and Brian said...

Super cute costumes Shannon!