Friday, January 14, 2011


Amery had a fabulous playdate with the even more fabulous Ruby today. Since sharing toys isn't a two-year-old's forte, I started talking with him the day before about how Ruby was coming over to play.

Me: Amery, are you going to share your trains with Ruby tomorrow?
A: Share trains, mama.
Me: Are you going to share your cars?
A: Share cars, mama.
Me: Are you going to share your books?
A: No share books, mama.
Me: Why aren't you going to share your books?
A: No share books, MAMA!
Me: Are you going to share your puzzles?
A: Share puzzles, mama.
Me: Are you going to share your books?
Me: Jeez, ok dude.

In the end he shared the books, but I have no idea what spawned the initial freakout over the damn books. Weirdo. He shared his Learning Tower for a Cheerios break too:


Larisa said...

I hate it when I shart toys. Ouch!

Shannon and Jon said...
